Madeleine Bowen-Diaz

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Maddy Bowen-Diaz began dancing at the age of four, and joined Fada Dance at the age of seven. As a pre-teen, she began to create and collaborate with other dancers in the FadaDance Youth Company, where she ultimately travelled to Jamaica in 2009, Taiwan in 2012, and Copenhagen in 2015 for Dance and the Child International conferences.

She loves to combine various dance styles to come up with really unique, cinematic choreography including contemporary, aspects from hip-hop, and lyrical.

Maddy began teaching at FadaDance in 2016, and has been on and off teaching and creating with us ever since! She continues to dance as an adult, appearing in music videos, parties, festivals, and at FadaDance recitals. She has a love for all things art including drawing, painting, singing, acting, and photography. She loves to pull inspiration from these art forms into her work as a dancer.

Brad Wolbaum